About Axealpha

The name Axe Alpha emanated from the concept of reaping a plethora of returns on investment from the market. Axe is a word used to symbolize that we hit the target at the right time and right place. The Alpha (α) is a term used in investing to describe an investment strategy’s ability to beat the market.

The venture Axe Alpha kickstarted in 2022, progressing rapidly by assisting several people with multiple possibilities in trading. We have an experience of more than Five years in the stock market, paving the way towards the progress of our organization and associates. Our staff is well versed in having immense knowledge and understanding of Stocks, ETFs, and Futures & Options.

What Makes us Different From Others?

The principal attributes which make us distinct from our competitors are


First and foremost, we always focus on achieving superior risk-regulated performance.

Wise Investment

We take appropriate action to mitigate the chances of incurring a loss.


We follow a process and strategies to reach our financial goals and avoid shortcuts to quick earnings.


Good is not enough. We strive to be excellent in all we do.


We seek to be differentiated and original in our thinking to achieve supremacy.


We flourish through perseverance, skills, commitment, diligence, and teamwork.


We are passionate about our strategies and how they can provide significant value to our clients over the long term.

Historical Growth

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2021-2022 Stock Growth

  • 2017-2018 18% 18%
  • 2018-2019 21% 21%
  • 2019-2020 55% 55%
  • 2020-2021 40% 40%
  • 2021-2022 9% 9%

What We offer?

  • Physical space (Office) with expert guidance from guides.
  • Desktop facility available based on early bookings.
  • Hi-speed internet connection & regular power supply for uninterrupted Trading.
  • Remote or virtual guidance.
  • Tele-support through our hotline guidance system.
  • Expert guidance in Futures & Options trading.

Our Aim

We aim to provide Margin benefits to retail traders to benefit and produce returns at their full potential.

We Believe

In our business, Risk Management and Strategic planning are pivotal to success. At Axe Alpha, we use an upper or a higher margin limit in trading. 

Our Motto of Business

We consistently persevere, adapt and evolve, looking for the strategies and approaches to optimize growth.

Our Prerequisites

As a trader, if you are close to our location, you can avail access to visit and trade from our office. We provide a system (computer), Hi-speed internet facility, power for charging, and a closed environment with an office-style set-up to peacefully sit and trade from our office. You can request any other assistance and guidance in our dwelling.

Also, you can avail a personal-assistant expert in trading from our end.

And if, as a trader, you find it comfortable to trade at your location and need help. We can give you consistent support with a remote/virtual assistance facility.

We are pleased to help the traders and provide services under our dominion. You can feel free to call us anytime during market hours for support. If the problem is extensive and does not make sense, then by taking the remote access, you can obtain the solution.

We are always available at all business hours for any trading support.

Lower Your Capital Risk With Axe Alpha